Before I was casted by the LEBENSREFORM-dudes, I had acquired some time in a handful of other projects that could be called "music bands" more or less. Very early on, it was very much more a teenage approach to drinking and partying - it was just hanging around with guys and tried banging drums (could not even beat an Oi!-kid of, let's say, 9 years). At least, somebody of the infamous DOSENMONTAG was involved.
I skipped the whole thing for many years, and tried to fail again on totally different territory, i.e. Hamburg. By 1994, I guess, I got together with two hanseatic buddies I don't know nothing about these days, and an old almost-hometown friend and by then co-writer for ZAP-Fanzine and VISIONS also (besides being a journalist in East-Germany): Dietmar Stork. The musical approach must have been something like a crossbreed of INFEST and PRIMUS - but I don't recall a thing of that part. That band, HALZZ, practised like 150m away from the Borstelmannsweg-thing in which LEBENSREFORM, LINSAY, LOXIRAN and TOMTE would reside. The only public appearance was a text-excerpt in HORIZONS-fanzine #2. For those who follow some of my works, you might recognise something.
The most promising effort of having another "real" band was another Hamburg-project with a JUST WENT BLACK-nucleus (by than more famous of being FIRE AT WILL) and We were called SEBGHA, and had almost as much drummers as we had songs. Both shared the the habit of being not too steady. But the whole thing really made us proud and who knows what might see the face of earth one day. I have been told, that there is something still hiding somewhere - caught in space and time.