September 5, 2012

Post Mortem

"before the Jahrhundertwende, some of us and our friends played (in) these bands. 
It's part of us, it made us what we are, still denying the past, ignoring the future! Hardcore"

Lebensreform - Discographie    iTunes Amazon Saturn Musicload

Linsay - Staatsfeind (Completest Recordings Ever)    iTunes Amazon

Loxiran - Loxibang (Discography)    iTunes Amazon

August 15, 2012

June 4, 2012

Dubious Bands

Before I was casted by the LEBENSREFORM-dudes, I had acquired some time in a handful of other projects that could be called "music bands" more or less. Very early on, it was very much more a teenage approach to drinking and partying - it was just hanging around with guys and tried banging drums (could not even beat an Oi!-kid of, let's say, 9 years). At least, somebody of the infamous DOSENMONTAG was involved.

I skipped the whole thing for many years, and tried to fail again on totally different territory, i.e. Hamburg. By 1994, I guess, I got together with two hanseatic buddies I don't know nothing about these days, and an old almost-hometown friend and by then co-writer for ZAP-Fanzine and VISIONS also (besides being a journalist in East-Germany): Dietmar Stork. The musical approach must have been something like a crossbreed of INFEST and PRIMUS - but I don't recall a thing of that part. That band, HALZZ, practised like 150m away from the Borstelmannsweg-thing in which LEBENSREFORM, LINSAY, LOXIRAN and TOMTE would reside. The only public appearance was a text-excerpt in HORIZONS-fanzine #2. For those who follow some of my works, you might recognise something.

The most promising effort of having another "real" band was another Hamburg-project with a JUST WENT BLACK-nucleus (by than more famous of being FIRE AT WILL) and We were called SEBGHA, and had almost as much drummers as we had songs. Both shared the the habit of being not too steady. But the whole thing really made us proud and who knows what might see the face of earth one day. I have been told, that there is something still hiding somewhere - caught in space and time.

April 19, 2012

April 13, 2012

Currents Edition

^  push the button  ^

March 6, 2012

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"Share this page, post a comment below, and mention at least two of your friends that 'like' LEBENSREFORM afterwards - we will draw a winner on May, 4th to get a Testpress of one of our records"

February 16, 2012


Here is what happened on Twitter:

  • So...I am off. Get Ready for INTEGRITY & ROT IN HELL @ Cologne updates
  • Approaching...stoked for one of the rare, possibly the only show I might go to this year
  • The usual Cologne phenomenon at Hardcore shows: only a few familiar faces - and alot different
  • Okay...forced to ditch this. Bummer - no phone connection inside. Try to compose some instant thoughts on my blog to publish later
  • BLOODATTACK is on now...and I am off for a Lunch break.
  • Love Turkish Kebab houses getting ready for Karneval...and waiting for ROT IN HELL
  • Promised Media enriched content. Here we go:

Switching to Blog mode... Try to maintain the tweet-mode. Random thoughts published in instant:

  • Refreshing "old" crowd, not the usual hipster hardcore youth.
  • Waiting for ROT IN HELL to get on Stage - the HELMET background sound switched to something less meaningful and powerless
  • Dwid occupied in some Fan-Talk. You have to be FAN, you know
  • Crowd includes some other ex-involved Hardcore-dudes like myself. We had our 15 minutes of fame,ya'll!
  • Hans is pretty relaxed before the gig - while the guys are already tuning, he still just stands and stares across the room at Merch
  • Notice an unexpected and yet very welcomed twist in Hans' tone. Dirrty
  • The sound is a crystal clear mess of noise, that already resembles your soundboard recordings
  • Crowd reaction...what crowd reaction?
  • "this is a new song" - me like the familiar yet catchy metallic Thrash/Riff-changes
  • Just recognized: Hans might be rather having trouble with his voice - maybe because of all the smoke in the air
  • Obviously, people saved their energy for myself. Decent participation - for Cologne almost enthusiastic.
  • "Judgment Day" got the ball rolling - crowd went with the flow from thereon.
  • Missed some of my favorite newer tunes, but "Lucifer..." satisfied some needs. All in all, good mixture of classics and "band-songs"
  • Some moments were graced by an enormous deep felt roaring of Dwid. Others just took it away with, dare I say, FUN!
  • To elaborate on that: it is pretty obvious that all of this is very relaxed and kinda "over it". There is nothing "BIG" to promote - other than a legacy of a band that is given it to their kind of people for more than 20 years. Be it only Dwid who still is, nobody feels out of place this time (like on "Closure"- or "To die for"-tours)
  • There is alot of "I don't care...I'm just here with you"-attitude about this show. And that's exactly how I feel
  • Personal favorite was a rockish-swinging version of "Lucifer...", followed by "Abraxas" and the ever-challenging (I always tend to forget the second verse) "Systems overload" - Disclaimer: the last song I ever did a stagedive to, back in Hamburg, back in the 1990s, backed up on "Spiegel TV"

Back to Twitter:
  • After a little chitchat with each Hans and Dwid, I got out of that and am ready to conduct more
  • Had my Blogger App filled with instant updates, which I am going to publish at home
  • Also did some video shoots... Picture quality is real good, but sound far from decent. See if I can brush that up for you
  • All in all, Cologne saw a ROT IN HELL set that lacked some, and a real amusing (in a good way) @INTEGRITY_HT performance.

February 15, 2012

Another Twitter Live Transmission

Get ready tonite at 1900 CET for tweeted updates from the INTEGRITY & ROT IN HELL show in Cologne. Maybe I'll have it media enriched
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